How to Protect Your Air Conditioner from Storm Damage

These past few weeks have brought a lot of rain and storms to the area. In addition to all of these storms, the temperatures have also been climbing. You have likely been running your air conditioning system to keep your home comfortable. Unfortunately, thunderstorms can pose a serious risk to your ACFollow these handy tips when a strong storm hits and help protect your
Air Conditioner from the elements.

-Turn Off Your AC During Thunderstorms 

Whenever possible turn off your air conditioner before a storm hits. Strong storms typically mean lightning. Electrical surges are common when lightning hits and you don’t want your AC’s electrical components destroyed, or risk a fire! If the weather is particularly hot, you can usually run your AC until the sky darkens. Keep in mind, however; lightning might be flashing before the rain comes so don’t wait that long, to turn off your unit. 

-Cover Your AC Before A Storm

Covering your air conditioning unit can be a great option to help protect it during a strong storm. Fast winds, hail and flying debris can cause some serious damage to the exposed components on your unit. You can use a tarp or even a board to cover your AC, to help protect it when severe weather hits.

*Make sure your cover is secure so it doesn’t turn into debris itself to cause damage elsewhere, and after the storm passes, remove the covering before starting up your unit again.

-Clean Up Your Yard

Speaking of flying debris, cleaning up your yard is a great way to help reduce the amount of debris that can be tossed around. Well before a storm hits, pack away outdoor furniture, toys, your barbecue pit and anything else that’s not tied down. Clean up branches that might have fallen and remove anything else that could puncture your AC equipment. Collaborate with neighbors to clean up their yards as well. Storms have no respect for property lines!

*If the storm is already rolling in or you see lightning, it is best to skip this step. Your own safety is more important. 

-Inspect and Clean Your AC Before Start-up

Once the storm has passed and it is safe to go outside, it is a good idea to do a thorough inspection of your AC unit and refrigerant piping to check for damage. Be sure to clear any debris that might be covering your air conditioning unit. As long as you’re certain that the unit is free from damage and debris, turn it on and monitor to make sure it’s working as it should.

-Get Professional Help

If despite your best efforts, your unit or piping has been damaged, call us right away at (866)844-3770We can also help you prepare for the storms ahead and reduce your equipments risk of being damaged.

If you have any plumbing, heating, cooling or electrical needs, simply call us at:

(618) 765-8218

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