Fall is Here! Is Your Home Ready for the Changing Seasons?
Fall has finally arrived! Which means winter is not far behind. I know, no one wants to think about winter on the first day of fall, but it’s important that you take advantage of the nice weather while we have it.
The beautiful weather of the fall is the perfect time of year for maintenance. Plus, no one wants to worry about their furnace going out or their pipes freezing in the dead of winter. Take a look at our fall home maintenance checklist, so when old man winter comes knocking, you’ll be ready for him!
1. Caulk Your Windows
If your windows aren’t properly caulked and ready for the cold weather, you’ll have a long winter to look forward to. Cold air will creep into your home, warm air will seep out and you’ll watch your power bill climb higher and higher as your furnace works to keep up!
2. Clean Your Gutters
Everyone’s favorite job right? Of course not, but it’s important to clear away all of those fallen leaves, to avoid ice damage down the road.
3. Give Your Roof a Quick Inspection
While you’re on that ladder cleaning your gutters, you might as well hop onto your roof and check for any signs of damage. The condition of your roof is something that you need to stay on top of. Repairs are expensive and the damage done to your home by a leaky roof will be even more costly!
4. Insulation, Insulation, Insulation
Heating and cooling your home accounts for at least 47% of your total energy costs each year. This percent increases if your home is improperly insulated.
5. Battery Check
Fall maintenance is the best time to check and replace the batteries in your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. Don’t forget to test your alarms to ensure they’re in proper working order!
P.S. Remember that Carbon Monoxide risks increase greatly during the colder months.
6. Furnace Clean and Check
Late September and early October are the best times to have a professional technician inspect and clean your heating systems. Annual maintenance is your best defense against your furnace failing you in the middle of winter. And having your system checked each fall will ensure your furnace will be ready the first time you turn it on!
7. Get Your Humidifiers Ready
Winter brings dry air and dry air means dry, cracked, itchy skin! Which is what makes humidifiers so important. Make sure that your humidifier is cleaned and ready to go, to avoid itchy consequences.
P.S. Make sure that you clean your humidifier every two to three weeks to prevent bacteria building up in your system and distributing throughout your air.
8. Prepare To Give Your Air Conditioner A Much Needed Vacation
The heat will soon be gone, hopefully, and your air conditioner will no longer be needed. Fall is a great time to dry vac the outer parts of your unit, so it’ll be ready to be turned back on next spring.
9. Ensure Your Winter Equipment Is In Working Order
The middle of a snow storm is not the time to discover that your brother-in-law never returned the snow shovel he borrowed, you’re out of salt or your snow blower won’t start. This fall, take the time to ensure that you have all of your snow removal equipment is in working order, stocked and in its proper place.
10. Don’t Let Your Pipes Freeze Up On You!
Frozen pipes are one the worst things that can happen to any home owner, but luckily there are a few steps you can take, to help prevent this type of disaster.
- Turn off the water valves to your exterior pipes.
- Ensure that any opening in which pipes enter your home are well sealed, insulated and caulked.
- Have your pipes checked by a licensed plumber each fall, to ensure there aren’t any cracks or weak points that might freeze.
11. Have Your Portable Generator Inspected
Portable generators can be life savers if the power goes out during a strong snow storm. However, they can be very dangerous and need to be inspected by an electrician on a regular bases to ensure they are functioning properly.
12. Do You Feel A Draft?
Check your basement windows for cracks, loose frames and other sources for cold air to enter your home. Caulk where needed.
13. Change Up Your Air Flow
Since heat rises, it is to your benefit to redirect the air flow away from your ceiling, back down toward the floor. You can do this if you change the direction your ceiling fan spins, so that it creates an upwards draft and sends the warm air back down.
14. Call 1-888-9TIGER1 or visit TrustTiger.com to have a Licensed Plumber, HVAC Technician and/or Electrician come out to your home and address any fall or winterizing issues or concerns you may have.
Be sure to check out Tiger Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning and Electrical Services on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram for more valuable information!
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