Just think about all of the money that gets wasted in the kitchen! Running water, gas and electric appliances, food waste, cleaning products, etc. Your kitchen is a money sucking black-hole.
So here is a comprehensive list of money saving kitchen tips:
- Be sure to plac
e the faucet lever on the kitchen sink in the cold position when using small amounts of water; placing the lever in the hot position uses energy to heat the water even though it may never reach the faucet.
- If you need to purchase a natural gas oven or range, look for one with an automatic, electric ignition system. An electric ignition saves natural gas because a pilot light is not burning continuously.
- Keep range-top burners and reflectors clean; they will reflect the heat better, and you will save energy.
- Use a covered kettle or pan to boil water; it’s faster and it uses less energy.
- Match the size of the pan to the heating element.
- Use small electric pans or toaster ovens for small meals rather than your large stove or oven. A toaster oven uses a third to half as much energy as a full-sized oven.
- Use pressure cookers and microwave ovens whenever it is convenient to do so. They will save energy by significantly reducing cooking time.
- Check the manual that came with your dishwasher for the manufacturer’s recommendations on water temperature; many have internal heating elements that allow you to set the water heater in your home to a lower temperature.
- Scrape, don’t rinse, off large food pieces and bones.
- Soaking or pre-washing is generally only recommended in cases of burned-on or dried-on food.
- In natural gas appliances, look for blue flames; yellow flames indicate the gas is burning inefficiently and an adjustment may be needed. Consult the manufacturer or your local utility.
- Be sure your dishwasher is full, but not overloaded, when you run it.
- Don’t use the “rinse hold” on your machine for just a few soiled dishes. It uses 3 to 7 gallons of hot water each time you use it.
- Let your dishes air dry; if you don’t have an automatic air-dry switch, turn off the control knob after the final rinse and prop the door open a little so the dishes will dry faster.
- When shopping for a new dishwasher, look for the ENERGY STAR label to find a dishwasher that uses less water and 25% less energy than required by federal standards.
- Look for a refrigerator with automatic moisture control. Models with this feature have been engineered to prevent moisture accumulation on the cabinet exterior without the addition of a heater.
- Chip clips are a great inexpensive way to keep bagged food items fresh, so you’re not wasting money by tossing out stale food.
- Don’t keep your refrigerator or freezer too cold. Recommended temperatures are 37° to 40°F for the fresh food compartment of the refrigerator and 5°F for the freezer section.
- If you have a separate freezer for long-term storage, it should be kept at 0°F.
- Ensure that your refrigerator and freezer doors seal airtight. You can test them by shutting a piece of paper in the door, leave enough paper sticking out of the door so that you can pull on it. If the paper slides out when you pull on it, then your seals aren’t air tight and cold air is seeping out around the cracks.
- Never go shopping without a list. You’ll likely spend a lot more money if you go shopping unprepared.
- During winter months, after you’re done using your oven, crack the door and let the leftover heat warm your kitchen and home a little.
- By using cloth rags to wipe your kitchen counters, you’ll save a lot of money on paper towels
- Ditch the metal bake ware. Glass and ceramic pans are better conductors of heat, meaning your baked goods won’t need as much time in the oven.
- Save energy when cooking pasta. By only leaving the water boiling for two minutes after you add the pasta, then you can place a lid on the pot, turn off the heat and leave the pasta to
finish cooking for 15-20 minutes.
- If you cut your sponges in half, they’ll last twice as long!
- Turn off kitchen exhaust fans within 20 minutes after you are done cooking
- When replacing exhaust fans, consider installing high-efficiency, low-noise models.
- You can stretch out a bottle of liquid dish-washing soap by turning an empty olive oil bottle into a dispenser. This way, only a few small drops of soap will come out at a time, which is likely all you’ll ever need.
- Have a professional plumber repair leaky faucets promptly; a leaky faucet wastes gallons of water in a short period of time.
- Cover your kitchen exhaust fan to stop air leaks when not in use.
- If you place food or drinks in your fridge without covering them, they will release more moisture, causing your refrigerator’s compressor to work harder, increasing your energy costs. So always make sure to wrap food before it goes into the fridge.
- Thawing frozen foods in hot water or in a microwave adds to your utility costs. If you plan ahead, you can save some money by thawing foods on your kitchen counter or in your fridge.
- Water filters and/or a water filtration system will save you a ton of money in bottle water expenses in the long run.
- You don’t need to buy hand soap for your kitchen, your dish-washing soap works just as well for washing your hands.
- If you’re never able to use all of your milk before it goes bad, consider switching over to organic milk. Organic milk has a much longer shelf life.
- You can store opened cereal in the freezer to prevent it from going stale.
- By storing your opened jarred foods upside down, you can prevent mold from growing in the jar.
- Keeping bananas from spoiling is tricky. The best method is to break up the bunch, individual bananas rot slower than those in a bunch. (P.S. Never store bananas in the fridge).
- After you’re done cutting a block of cheese, spread a thin layer of butter on the end you cut. This will prevent that end from becoming hard and unusable.
- Don’t throw out brown sugar that’s gone hard. Instead toss bread into the bag to soften the sugar.
- You can use a paper towel to keep your lettuce fresher, longer. Simply place the paper towel on top of your lettuce, cover and place in the fridge.
- Keep your butter in the freezer to keep it from spoiling.
- Call 1-888-9TIGER1 or visit to have a Licensed Plumber, HVAC Technician and/or Electrician come out to your home and address any issues or concerns you may have with your kitchen.
Be sure to check out Tiger Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning and Electrical Services on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
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