Ways Your HVAC System Keeps the Flu Away

Ways Your HVAC System Keeps the Flu Away

As if winter itself was not miserable enough, it’s also cold and flu season. You can reduce your chances of getting sick through frequent hand washing, proper diet, exercise, and lots of rest. Controlling your indoor environment with a reliable HVAC system also plays an important role in reducing your chances of falling ill this flu season. Here are some...
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The Importance of Proper Air Distribution

When you think about HVAC system performance, the first thing that usually comes to mind is your furnace. While that is a critical feature of your home’s heating, it is not the only part. A perfect furnace is useless without proper air distribution. Here are five ways air distribution issues affect your home. Hot and cold spots The most obvious...
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5 Reasons Your House is Cold

Having a home that is not properly heated can do more than cause misery during cooler weather. Your family’s health can be affected by the conditions in your house, including temperature. The first step in figuring out why your home is so cold is to identify the root cause. Here are 5 ways to assess the cause of your home’s...
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Do You Need an Air Purifier?

If you’ve spent the summer sneezing and wheezing inside your home, it may be time to invest in an air purifier. These devices reduce dust, pollen, and other allergens inside the home. The tricky part is figuring out what to buy. Air purifiers come in many different sizes and forms and use different technologies to clean your air. You can...
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Sources of Energy Waste and How to Fix Them

The first step when solving a problem is to identify it. Your energy use is no different. To save energy, you need to first figure out where it is being wasted. Here are the six most common reasons why your HVAC system is consuming more energy than it should and how to fix them. Inefficient furnace Your furnace is your...
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6 Reasons To Get Early Maintenance On Your Furnace

As much as everyone loves summer, every year it comes to an end. Colder temperatures, shorter days, and falling leaves are right around the corner. Is your furnace ready for the fall and winter? Here are 6 reasons to get early maintenance on your furnace before the temperature starts to drop. You will identify problems before they become major issues...
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Put A Stop to Fall Allergies Once and For All!

Autumn is in full swing and that means your fall allergies are taking over your life! It doesn’t have to be this way. You can stop allergies from ruining your fall fun and it’s simpler than you might think! Are you unsure if you have fall allergies? Check out these common symptoms to find out: Runny Nose Scratchy or asore...
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