Take Care of Your Home and Family by Taking Care of Your Furnace Filter
You probably do not give your furnace filter much thought but it plays an important role in keeping your family healthy and your HVAC system running efficiently. What makes your furnace filter so important? Take a deep breath. How is the air quality in your home? The condition of your furnace filter helps improve you and your family’s quality of living.
What does a furnace filter do?
There are different types of furnace filters ranging from basic to high efficiency models. The type of furnace filter used in your home will depend on the type of HVAC system in your home. However, the functions of any furnace filter are basically the same. Furnace filters are designed to work with your heating and cooling system to improve your indoor air quality.
Additionally, furnace filters also work to help protect and extend the life of your furnace. Debris and dust are drawn into your furnace through your return ducts and without a filter the debris will collect on the heat exchanger, fan, coil, etc. causing your unit to work longer and harder, leading to early system failure.
Why should you clean/replace your furnace filters regularly?
A dirty furnace filter means air has trouble flowing through your system. Greatly hindering the amount of heating and cooling your system can do. If your system cannot heat and cool properly your evaporator coil can freeze up if the across air flow is low, which can cause your AC unit to stop working altogether.
A worn out or dirty furnace filter will also affect the efficiency levels of your HVAC system. Your fan has to work so much harder to pull air through the dirty coil. Your HVAC system will consume more energy having to run longer and harder, costing you more money on your power bill. However, a clean furnace filter will allow air to flow freely through your HVAC system, saving energy and money, while still blocking pollutants and allergens.
Your furnace filter and your indoor air quality are intertwined. Once your filter becomes clogged with dust, air flow will be restricted, causing dust to settle throughout your ductwork. This dust will then be blown into the air you and your family breathe. Dust mites, bacteria and other allergens will be able to grow in your ductwork and be released into the air.
How can you ensure that your furnace filter is clean and functioning properly?
Your filter is located in your furnace and most are disposable. If you have a disposable filter, remember to change it every 1 to 3 months (although some filters may last up to six months) depending on the type of filter you have and the cleanliness of your system. There are a few other factors that will determine how frequently you will need to change your filter. For example, if you have pets, smoke or anyone in your home suffers from allergies; your filter should be changed more often. Additionally, fiberglass filters need to be changed sooner than pleated filters.
These disposable furnace filters are typically only capable of removing 3-5% of the debris and dust particles that pass through them. There are other options when it comes to furnace filters, some of these are permanent and more efficient. To learn more about these higher efficiency filters or to have any of your heating or cooling concerns addressed, call us at (866)844-3770.
If you have any plumbing, heating, cooling or electrical needs, simply call us at:
(618) 484-9822
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