10 Simple Ways You Can Save Both Water and Money!

Everyone loves having extra money to spend on the things they really want. A handy way to save some extra cash is to cut the costs of your utility bills and saving a little water here and there will go a long way in achieving that goal!


Not sure where to start? We have you covered! Check out this list of simple things you can do to reduce your water usage.

Money Saving Tips:

1. Wash fruits and vegetables in a pan, instead of rinsing them under a running faucet.

2. When you are waiting for your water to heat up, don’t let the cold water go down the drain. Instead let it flow into a pitcher, which you can keep in your fridge and you will have refreshing cold water to drink later!

3. Wait until the sun is setting before watering your garden. Less water will evaporate this way!

4. You can reduce the amount of water used to fill your toilet tank by filling a 1/2 jug with water and placing it inside the reservoir.

5. You can reuse the water from a dehumidifier to water your plants.

6. Have water saving, efficient shower heads and faucets installed.

7. Rinse your clothes with cold water to save more money on your utility bills.

8. Use rain barrels and buckets to collect water for later use.

9. Consider taking shorter showers. You’ll save money and time!

10. Thaw frozen food in the fridge, instead of using hot water.

Keep these tips in mind and you will start seeing these savings add up!

If you have any plumbing, heating, cooling or electrical needs, simply call us at:

(618) 484-9822

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