What’s the Scariest Thing You’ll Face this Halloween: Ghosts? Vampires? Zombies? No…

The scariest thing waiting for you this Halloween is your power bill. Fortunately, scary Halloween creatures like ghosts, vampires and zombies are make-believe but your overpriced power bill is all too real. This Halloween let’s take some of the scary out of your monthly power bill with these great money saving tips!

1. Scary movies keeping you up late this Halloween?

Horror movies are great, but let’s face it, it’s not the scary monsters that are haunting your dreams. No, it’s the added cost from all of those extra TV hours will add to your electric bill. If you know you might Halloween costume - ghostsfall asleep in the middle of a movie, set your TV’s timer to shut off for you. That way you won’t waste hours of extra electricity while you’re sleeping.

2. Is the thought of heating your home scaring you to death?

An inefficient running heating or cooling system is a huge expense to any homeowner. If your heating system is constantly requiring service or if it’s over 17 years old, it’s probably time to start thinking about replacing it, before winter weather sets in. A new furnace is a great way to save money and make your power bill seem a lot less scary. To have a professional explain how you can save real money on a new furnace call 1-888-9TIGER4 or visit us online today!

3. Keep the heat inside your home this Halloween

carved pumpkin

During the long winter months ahead, when the weather is just so miserably cold and gross, you can help keep the cost of heating down by keeping the draperies and shades on your south-facing windows open during the day. This will allow the sunlight to enter and help warm your home. Then you should keep your drapes closed at night to reduce the chill you may feel from cold windows.

4.  Let it go!

Remove trapped air from hot-water radiators once or twice a season; if unsure about how to perform this task, contact a professional.

5. Don’t be afraid of the dark this Halloween

Turn off lights when you leave a room or when you don’t really need them. This is a simple way to save some money on your power bill.

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